Saturday, April 11, 2009

RD Towers - The Story So Far

Day One looked like this:

Day 5 was like this:

It's slow but enjoyable, hard work and satisfying.


Anonymous said...

The planet seems to have drawn in some form of intelligent life. Do they have opposable thumbs?

Rhythmic Diaspora said...

where? Do you mean the drums?

Gypsy said...

Progress, R, progress.

Can't wait for my invite :D

Spice said...

would love to see another take of the second pic after you've settled down.
I love the way the room is lit up from the sunshine streaming through the blinds..

Anonymous said...

No no. I mean this entire habitat. I want to observe the natives practising their customs and all that.

Sach said...

Why do you play the drum facing the wall?

Indyana said...

That's a nice place you have RD!

Rhythmic Diaspora said...

Gyppo - You're invited!

Spice - I'll put more up as more things get done for sure. The light was one of the biggest reasons I chse the place. It really is nice to hang in.

D - Well come then.

Sach - Well it's an electronic kit and I play through the headphones, so the external sound isn't important. Also to stop the bass drum pad sliding as it tends to. Other than that it just seemed like the best place.

Indyana - thank you, I think it is too.

David Blacker said...

Looking good, dude. Reminds me a bit of the last flat apartment I had in Germany. Mostly the light, the floor, and the colour of the kitchen cupboards.

PseudoRandom said...

Oooooh I like!!! It'll feel like home soon, RD :-)

Sabby said...

Oooooooooooooh I laike. Looks cozy!

Zephyr said...

:) So happy for you!!!


Mr. Hachi Roku said...

Hey RD, just saw this pic of your drumset.. Very lovely looking thing cuz this is exactly what I'm looking for. how much was this kit? How easy is it to bring down to SL if I get it shipped?

I think I'm seeing a double pedal.. nice..:)