Some months ago I read about the concept of using the words "either" and "or" as a tactic to get the behaviour you want from someone, or to frame a discussion or argument in order to win.
I'm sure we're all aware of people using either / or in everyday conversation and I'm equally sure we all use it ourselves.
"What are you, a man or a mouse?"
"You're either a lover or a fighter"
"Are you an optimist or a pessimist?"
"Are you pro Rajapaksa or against him / them?"
"You're either with us or against us"
Ad infinitum.
The point is that these force the unaware receiver into choosing between the two options and the smart user can choose his or her language to get a desired result. The "two types of people" statement is a powerful related method as well.
"There are two types of people; those go out and take action and those who sit around doing nothing and let crap happen to them."
I mean, faced with that sort of statement most people are going to take action just for fear of being branded as the doing nothing type.
As in life awareness is at least half the battle. Once I became aware that these sort of ultimatums can be used deliberately I have become much better at spotting them and cutting them off at the pass.
I saw a Twitter exchange between Stephen Fry and someone, in which the someone asked Stephen Fry if he was X or Y and Mr Fry responded with something like
"Gosh are those the only two choices?" which I made a mental note of to use in the future.
When I notice it being used on me I also like to just call out the person for it, saying
"'ve framed it as an either / or but actually it can be both."
This has been massive for me, as it can change the whole direction of the conversation and lead to a much more open and less aggressive type of conversation than how it might have been heading.
Just saying.
Have a good weekend out there!
18 years blogging
2 weeks ago
Really glad that you 'cam back" from what ever blog hibernation you were in. :) From the posts you've put out since 'coming back" you are better than ever.
Thank you very much Cerno. It feels good to be back, though a struggle to regain the form I never had in the first place!
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