Java Jones.
He'll probably hate me for this but I just wanted to wish him in public.
You know, I've made many very genuine friends from blogging and Java is one of the best of them.
Happy birthday to you.
From the whole team at LLD.
AKA me.
18 years blogging
1 month ago
Happy Birthday, Java!!!!!!!!
Thanks RD - actually it is sometime between today and tomorrow, as the real date doesn't occur this year!
To be is NOT his birthday. Let JJ explain, but Happy Birthday all gets a bit confusing. :)
Err... Now I'm confused cos of Dominic's comment...
Happy pseudo-birthday, then?
Well Dinidu, it's to do with the fact that Java's only about 16 or so.
Gypsy, Dom, Dinidu - thanks!
Dinidu - there's no 29th this year!
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