Sunday, March 1, 2009

An Elephant In The Room

Some might be embarrassed to admit to something like this, not me though.

I had never known of the phrase "an elephant in the room" until a few months ago. I suppose I had heard of the phrase, only in the context of there actually being a pachyderm lurching in the environ.

A year ago, had I been sitting there having a quiet beer with you, or you for that matter, and you'd mentioned an elephant in the room, I'd have jumped up and been searching like Clouseau looking for Kato. Nowadays I know that it's a lovely little metaphor and I chuck it into a conversation at every opportunity.

I suppose the only potential time for confusion would be if I was in a bungalow in Yala and someone mentioned the matter. Things could get very puzzling.

Must dash, there's something hiding behind the curtains.


N said...

An elephant in the room in Yala would be a bit....disconcerting....

Just Me said...

"Clouseau looking for Kato"

LMAO.... Ahhhh....


JP said...

then you have the Pink eliphant in the room

Makuluwo said...

Hahaha! I'm just picturing Clouseau looking for ze elephant!
*dies laughing*

Sach said...

A white elephant in a bungalow in Yala would be even more confusing...

Anonymous said...

Nice name for a blog. Book unfortunately already written, so has an ad campaign.