I'm back at work after the last couple of days off. C has returned to Singapore and life carries on with its usual pace and excitement.
Over here in London the weather is stunning, in a Londonly stunning way. Blue skies, well the one, warm temperatures and al fresco eating are the orders of the day. I even had to close my sunroof yesterday as the sun on the top of my head was too intense. Yes, yes I know there's not much hair on top there okay.
This long distance relationship lark can be tiring at times and it's probably no worse than the morning after they leave. I won't get all angsty and emo on you though so you can relax there. We did make a very vague plan, not so much a plan I guess, more of a maybe plan, to meet up in Lanka next time. This grabs me and excites me for so many reasons that will be obvious to you. It might happen.
Tomorrow it's K's thirteenth birthday, something I find incredibly believable, which is rather incredible in itself. So many kids grow too quickly and you find yourself, as I did last month with A, saying that you can't believe they're whatever age they happen to be. Well in the case of K I'm a bit stunned that she's only thirteen, it feels as if she's been there for a couple of years at least.
And then there's another gig on Saturday night, which I reckon will be a blast. The band's coming together as a unit and we're starting to feel really tight. Another lovely summer's evening here on a Saturday night with fun people will put an even bigger smile on everyone's face.
It's funny how quickly things change isn't it? It's fascinating how yesterday's changes become today's normal.
I got back from dropping C at the airport last night and strolled out of the pad to get some food and have a quick drink in my local pub. Well the pub was closed down. It was only recently that I sat there and wrote a post in it and about it, all the while wondering how it survived. It didn't, the new management might do a more successful job of it but only time will tell.
Then, as I ambled casually down the road I passed a woman chatting quite loudly on a mobile phone in Sinhala. I was so captivated by it that I pretended to look in the window of the hi fi shop nexst to her. Of course I didn't understand a word of what she was saying, but knew that it was Sinhala. It's not that I'm unused to hearing the language, something about her in that street captured me and I stood there for a few seconds listening to her conversation and comprehending nothing.
She was very probably telling the other party that there was a pervert listening to her while pretending to look in the window of a hi fi shop. I hope she doesn't happen to read this blog, that could be awkward.
And what else is there to tell you?
I've got about ten posts to start, complete, delete or publish. Taking a break of sorts means that things store up, often to be forgotten completely or fester and grow into something fruity. And talking of fruity there are two things that I'm wondering if I should blog about. They're only about me, nothing lifechanging or hugely important in the worldly scheme of things, but I am contemplating whether to share or keep private.
If only I could ask you what you thought, but I'd have to tell you the things first. There's a flaw in that plan that even a British MP's accountant would spot at a hundred yards. Probably.
The Twitter journey continues with some trepidation. There are only about seventeen followers and little signs of things increasing. I'm wondering if it's not done by people of my age or if it just takes time to build up. The problem for me is that I struggle to write these short phrases about my life and make them sound interesting.
It's all well and good for Obama to write about the condensation on his window but, when I do it, it's hardly going to get much interest. On the positive side I only need about 500000 more followers to be near to Stephen Fry's level of popularity. That can't be too hard.
That's all for now, a real pimped up diary post if ever I wrote one.
More of the usual will follow. I hope you missed me, I think you didn't!
Must dash as there are about a million blog posts to read and catch up on.
18 years blogging
2 weeks ago
Ah the old Kottucatchiuppiness. I don't remember if that's how we thought to spell it.
Of course we've missed you darl. Looking forward to the upcoming posts on this blog that, if you told us about now, you'd have to kill us. Ok the that was grammatically wrong-est sentence I've ever written. Perhaps after this one.
Anyway, good to have you back. Mwah
Gypsofactum 12
and i was just telling someone, wow, RD hasnt blogged in two whole days! lol.
Who is C?! Where did she come from?! HOW HAVE I MISSED THIS?!
Please extend my wishes to K, if that's possible!
And twitter, meh, I still can't come to term with it...
G12 - thanks, posts will follow. Mwah back, whatever that means to you youngsters!
T - I know, a huge gap in my output!
Scrump - You've missed loads. For sure.
Sach - I will do, perhaps referring to you as a mystery Uncle or similar.
I love it how that the UK has brilliant weather and sunshine ONLY while I am travelling Europe and wondering if I need to wear swimming shorts to walk down the street it is raining so much...
Hopefully catch up soon for a beer or something. I'm back in London between the 13th and 17th of July.
Ozcuz - Definitely, get in touch when you're back and would love to meet up.
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