Tuesday, July 22, 2008


14 and 12 year old girls, hormones, strops, hissy fits, tantrums, smiles, laughs, farts and snores in the night, "Dad can you get me a hairdryer?", "No, I'm fine, I just want to read my book", "Yeah, whatever Dad", the Colombo symphony is going on outside as I type this, diesel engines, horns, that rumble of traffic and roadworks, the Barefoot Garden, ice cream at Odel, "Dad I'll have the chocolate sugar free one", 14 is almost an adult, 12 is so often still a child, "Dad can I have a piggy back?", the SAARC thing seems like such a good idea, expensive, inconveniencing everyone, closing colombo, yes, that makes sense, it's not like the country needs the money for other things these days, is it just me or is the men's department at Odel getting worse by the week?, I remember when it was good, or did I just buy everything?, nearly got on the same flight as a famous blogger, but didn't, string hoppers, white potato curry and pol sambol for breakfast, mmmm..... finally I've found the full stop.


Anonymous said...

oh just quit rubbing it in!

Single in My Mind said...

OMG you make me feel homesick......... then again maybe am just missing my strings and sambol

pissu perera said...

tee hee, i saw you and the girls at odel, first walking around then eating ice cream. you guys were actually sitting at the table next to mine :) i recognized you from your flickr. wasn't sure if i should say hey or not, and ended up not.

ps - the girls looked like they were bullying you ;)

Rhythmic Diaspora said...

Indyana+Single in my mind - Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

Pissu - Next time please say hello and save me!

Anonymous said...

BTW...which famous blogger was that?

Rhythmic Diaspora said...

Indyana - I can't tell you!