Listen sonny,
I know that I like to wear a skimpy top or two now and again. You're right when you say it was my choice, you're right when you say that you didn't force me.
But, the rest of what you write is sexist and embarrassing. The thing is that it's not my responsibility to wear less skimpy clothes to stop your dirty little mind wandering into spank bank territory. It's up to you to do that.
I've got a great pair of breasts, I know that and I'm proud of it. That doesn't mean that men have to stare at them as if they've never seen a pair before, it doesn't mean that you have the right to perve over me like you do.
You say that you were nice enough to focus on my fun bags, as opposed to alternating between them and trying to make eye contact. Well I'm stunned. Do you expect me to be grateful for this? For the huge restraint you showed, that incredible demonstration of self control.
Sonny, I'm not flattered that you like the way I look, not one bit. The look I gave you in the lift, the one you say had a hint of "slight animal lust", was anything but that. It wasn't even annoyance, it was a look of pity, of indifference and of "I hope he doesn't have a semi again".
You see, believe it or not, I don't dress to impress boys like you.
It's real men, like that RD fellow, who appeal to me.
Lift Girl
18 years blogging
4 weeks ago
Lol nicely done RD
hahaha RD, nice one! Would love to see what NB says when he sees this... :D
damn straight RD(i was seething yesterday when i read liftboy's pervy ode)!!!
LOL nice one, man. Think you spoke for a whole myriad of Lift Girls out there.
You go, girl!
holy crap RD... that was friggin brilliant...! talk abt getting OWNED...! lol... well said, take a bow.. :D
Hear hear RD!! I thought the post you refer to was tasteless.
NB - Thank you for the reply, which I have published unmoderated. As we don't know each other personally the only thing I can judge you on is the words you have written, and do write, on your blog.
Perhaps, as you say, I haven't a clue as to who you are in real life, but I think then you should try to portray the real you or risk being judged on the image you portray.
Respect, I still like your blog.
NB - I should have added, I wouldn't want one of my daughters to be stuck in a lift with you though!
Hilarious entry RD!! Btw, you're a real decent bloke :D:D
Well, I think it's just extremely bad of some women to be blatantly showing their breasts and then expecting none of the guys to see them.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but if a woman is exposing her rack so much, I suppose it is to get the attention of other guys (maybe women). Therefore, I find it hard to understand why they feel offended when we guys see them! Can someone please clarify?
If I may add a few cents...
NB's viewpoint is not a first. The Taliban, for instance, shares his attitude. It's never the leering perv's fault.
Look. Nobody expects you not to look. We understand that some boys just can't be mature enough to glance if they have to, compliment them and then carry on without having conniptions about that fact the woman was slutty enough to make him look. Silly, really.
We girls check out your asses and biceps all the time too when you sashay about in those slimfits. We just don't condemn you for it afterwards, or hold you accountable for OUR perversions.
Boobs, butts, eyes, noses, legs, hands, feet... all part of the God-given human body. It's not a big deal if we want to hide it or not. Society can please grow up and shut up.
Dear Neanderthaal Booruwa,
Define 'decency'. No, wait. Sit in the front row of the Paris Fashion Week, in the midst of an African tribe, amongst the jungle dwellers of the Amazon or even in a room full of empowered, independant women and tell them how their sense of dress should always depend on how YOU feel and what YOU are comfortable with, and that it has nothing to do with their personal choices. Also, please do tell them how ogling at their breasts, thinking lewd thoughts and then condemning them was in fact the 'decent' thing to do, as opposed to them having the right to wear what they wanted. While you're at it, would you aslo please ensure that all those indecent places that most of the male populace frequent are shut down immediately, lest they lure anymore poor, innocent, decent men like yourself into lairs full of women with sinister animalistic motives?
Because God died and made YOU the authority on what is decent and not. Wait... I think even God must have got it wrong then, considering how he originally clothed Eve. Oh hey, wasn't it as a punishment for her sin that she should feel ashamed of displaying her body?
All hail the Neanderthaal for setting us right. We never realized we were such sinners. Forgive us for compromising your moral goodness with our breasts.
oh wow, i think thats one o da first times ive ever applauded an anonymous comment...! whoever u are, well said! :D
So he better not say what he says based on some blog posts.
Bite me.
This could go on couldn't it?
I hadn't even realised NB was from the Netherlands!
What fun. I love girl RD :) and someone should release a public service notice about NB. "NB Alert. Hide your knockers."
RD today you are on a roll sir. (Bow bow). netherlands! Lol
I have a thing or two to say here. Firstly NB is right though he is very sarcastic in his writings. The man seems to think “decency” is limited to “clothes”. If so, he is sadly mistaken. And for this anonymous who blatantly calls him Neandathel Booruwoo (NB) is again in bad taste or tasteless. Besides I am not sure if he has made any personal reference to anyone with his original posts on his blog. He is just talking about his neighbour and refers to her as “darling tits” specifically. If I am not mistaken the guy is now in Shanghai. Inother words, he is addressing a Chinese girl. Not sure why some desperate Srilankan girls are taking it so personally. Not sure why you even bothered to blog about this. Surely drummers aren’t a bankrupt lot when it comes to ideas. You could have blogged about a different topic than making this NB guy popular. I am sure he enjoys the publicity you give him. He would have been checking his blog hit rates.
I would suggest all of you to look at his blog post objectively than making hasty nasty comments. By the way, Is he paying you to make him popular? Bad publicity is still publicity and this NB guy is surely going to have a laugh at every comment. Knowing him I can vouch for this fact. Last but not least, I being a girl aged 23 myself wouldn’t like if a guy stared at me, but then it is upto me to make them not stare. Men are silly idiots (Atleast the majority are). It is for the woman to decide how she wants to be perceived by the world. I mean, the control switch is with the woman. Hope I am making sense.
Sorry about this long comment. Yes I do know this Neandathel Booruwa who was my marketing lecturer at one point. But he is not paying me for writing this one. Thank you jobless bummer drummer who makes others popular online.
Post this unmoderated and kiss his arse if you are jobless !
RD, u rock ! :D
NB. really. u r a sad bugger. I judge you.
NB reminds me dangerously of the brand of 'men' who rape and blame the woman for 'making them do it' because she was provocatively dressed.
Decency is in the eye of the beholder. Fine. It's his choice if he didn't like what she was wearing. Blaming his own behaviour on her, on the other hand, is a whole different game.
Look all you want. But take responsibility for your own actions.
Correction - you ARE the pervert.
*Brings popcorn and watches the drama*
dear annonymous
i love you. you and RD should join forces, be the batman to his robin (or vice versa) and put straight all the neanderthal booruwas with blogs. i promise to leave positive comments on every one.
yours sincerely,
Like dramaqueen said, of course women who dress in a more open way know that they may be susceptible to more than a cursory glance.
That, however, doesn't give men the right to make revolting derogatory comments.
I mean, fine, humans ogle physical assets, it's natural for both sexes, but haven't we evolved enough to be civil enough not to completely insult the integrity of the opposite sex (hooters? FUN BAGS?) purely based on their body parts?
Slinky dresses or all covered up, it's anyone's right to do either, and accept the consequence of an extra look or two.
But I think any civilized human knows that mere appearance is no excuse for rude insults and uncouth sexual banter.
the neanderthaal buroowa is probably of srilankan origin and belongs to a deprived species that spends all its time locked in its room wanking off to thoughts of its mother and only leaves it natural habitat in search of attention when its mother refuses to devote herself to him anymore.
Colombo Jobs - Thanks for the comment. You have a point about NB's stats, but I felt that he was getting a lot of hits anyway, without the few extra that this may have given him.
For what it's worth I don't think the control switch is with the woman, it's the man who's doing the perving and he should be the one taking the responsibility for it. I don't quite understand you "jobless drummer bummer kiss his arse" rubbish, but I posted your comment as you wrote it anyway.
Gyppo - I concur.
This NB guy is quite an EXTREME character. Bugger's mother owns an international school in Colombo but this bugger is not allowed there despite he being the future owner of the school. They told him to stay overseas in China.You know why? This silly bugger introduced a "DRESS CODE" to students that came under fire by students and parents and everyone else. But this bugger stood his ground saying "Dress this way or get out". I am not surprised he wrote that post. The dude is such. Anyway you better not annoy him RD. You don't know him. Bugger is extreme. A Monash and Harvad PhD idiot who really thinks he is "right" and all others are "wrong". You know this is what happens to some intellectual types who come from Monash !. He is a bloody book worm with silly ideologies that are not practical. Don't promote him through your blog posts. I am sure he stands to gain through your publicity :)
This is why we love you RD! Well done!!!
Ps: I agree with our Gypsy girl too.
man that was vicious. i love a subtly posed prose degloving (google it).
I don't even have kids and this pervatron reaches maximum creep factor (yes, even on the old-guy-stickingout-at-young-people-bar scale).
The stereotypical anti-humanities attitude of Lankan parents has already manifested itself, i see.
Hey RD, wonder why we're thinking of knights in shining armor? Or maybe it was Knights in White Satin!
Now you should be able to figure out who 'Colombo Jobs' is!!
Err..this Nibras guy is a real psychopath. Does anyone know his mother's details so that we can forward his post on RD to her. I'm sure she'd love to find out what a freaking wierdo her son is.
Awww,.. look what you've done now RD. You've got some people all upset.
Netherlands... Brilliant as always!
Oh Boy! I want to say bad words but I will join @gutterflower and share her popcorn!
Absurd, crazy and just plain silly. This 'character' needs to take a chill pill and calm the ef down.
We all have our rights. Right to think, write, look, react and comprehend. I guess just some of us take those rights a little far.
Jeez oh 'decent' man, get a life!
Hey RD, good thing that bugger didn't find out your real business:
*joins the drama and popcorn* Better late than never right?!
wow. Less than a week and I've missed so much.
*helps herself to popcorn and offers chocolate*
Wow, how did I miss this?
I love this age-old argument, that women should watch how they dress if they don't want to be molested.
What I always think is, how come the same rules don't apply to men? How come they can take their dicks (pardon my French) out on any street corner and piss right out in public in broad daylight and women don't get 'aroused'?
There has to be a point in being Human. And that point is that we exercise some simple self control! Otherwise we could be just like animals, pissing and shitting and fucking when and where we please! And this is not even the end of this problem of inherent chauvinism in even the nicest, more rational and intelligent men. Not that I'm saying NB is rational or nice or indeed, intelligent. He seems a bit of a head case in general. But most men don't even know that they're sexist, their minds are so conditioned by this bullshit.
I have the right to wear whatever the hell I want and behave however the hell I want (just like men do) and still be respected as a human being.
I love that a male version of the word 'slut' doesn't even exist. If men sleep around and are promiscuous and indecent in every sense of the word, oh, they're men, that's what we expect. But if a woman does, god forbid, what a slut.
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