I got tagged by Darwin yesterday for this 7 thing.
My first thoughts were that, as tagging posts go, it was a bit strict for my liking. Nothing to do with Darwin as she didn't start it. But the rules are strict. You must say this, you must link so and so and you must put a comment on each person's blog etc.
Well, I'm a free man I thought. I'm going to sit back and consider my options for a while. Then, while I sat back, the whole of the Sri Lankan blogosphere didn't. Everyone else got tagged, everyone wrote a post and obeyed the rules. Seven became forty nine, fort nine became, you get the gist. I saw some people getting tagged by many. Cerno got tagged by several, I saw Java getting multi tagged and he doesn't even like being tagged and I saw T get at least two tags.
Meanwhile I had the one solitary tag from Darwin, which I still have and still treasure. It remains my only one. I'm going to take it home and keep it safely in a drawer, maybe the sarong drawer.
I've got a bad case of tag envy. I feel inadequate and insecure. Java emailed me and offered to lend me a few of his spare tags but it's not the same. Cerno rang me and asked if I'd like to come round for a tag party he's having. He's got so many tags that he doesn't know what to do with them. But I ain't going to no tag party, just to get his cast offs.
So I'm feeling sorry for myself, typing this through my one good eye, but content that I've got one of those precious seven from Darwin.
Not many got one of those beauties.
18 years blogging
2 weeks ago
awww... huggggggs! :D you're so funny :D [in a good way]
Awww! I only didn't tag you because you already had been tagged! But then surely you don't need a few tags to tell you that you have a firm (and quite vast) readership among the blogosphere?! :-P
Ha ha ha! People don't like you anymore! :)
Oh don't get so mopey Sir RD! I guess many realised you were already tagged, like myself, and so just held back from doing it!
Pink Mist - Thanks (in a good way!)
Scrump.. - That's what they all say.
Dinidu - You youngsters show no respect sometimes.
Indyana - How was your holiday?
Oh it was great!Meeting up after so long, cous and I had a lot of cathartic conversations, and piled loads of expletives (on her ex) at every spot she had been to with the ..., and what not!It was great fun catching up!Thanks for asking!As usual I blah on...
And how's you?
is Dinidu no longer the reigning drama queen of the Sri Lankan blogsphere?
sach - harsh, very harsh, but I think Dinidu's title is safe
Geez man, didnt know you'd be so teary eye'd. What would the girls think?
You're "highly respected" and all that jazz you know. So i suppose tagging you'd be like a London cabbie asking to take ol Chazza out for a Sunday drive. That and the fact that i thought you'd have 50+ tags by now :P or I'd have tagged you.
Seriously, you're taking over from Dinidu?
Sach, seems not... RD now has the title... :) You would expect more from an old man no? :)
Thanks for Tagging me, You put me on my blogging track again..
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