If, just if, Saddam Hussein's hanging was to be broadcast on pay per view TV it would easily be the biggest pay per view event ever, of that I have no doubt.
But would you watch it?
I'll tell you now. I would. I'm against capital punishment but my curiosity would get the better of me. I don't know whether I'd watch it all or if I'd be too disgusted and would turn off.
What about you?
Let me know.
18 years blogging
2 weeks ago
I once watched a beheading-style execution thing that someone I was living with at the time downloaded off the net. I think it was Daniel Pearl, the reporter guy. It was truly awful and I don't think I#ll ever watch anything like that again despite my curiosity or anything else. So no, I possibly wouldn't bother if it was free, and I certainly wouldnt pay to watch it either.
You've just reminded me, I think I saw that very same video clip, it was sickening but I couldn't help my curiosity. Now I'll have to banish it from my memory all over again.
I find it very interesting to hear different people's attitudes towards this. I agree with you Naz that the idea is barbaric, but I'm certain my curiosity would get the better of me. Unless of course, Spongebob Squarepants was on the other side!
i think subconsciously i would attempt to watch it...gross, but honest. actually getting down to it though, i doubt i would. i can't imagine the thought of watching someone real being hanged, just like that. i don't know how so many people watched, and even enjoyed doing so.
i think it would be quite barbaric airing it...i hope they don't, and even if they do i hope the human race has the sense to outsmart out natural curiosity with sensitivity (as if).
As much as I abhor Saddam, I abhor the idea of capital punishment even more. Saddam deserves it yada yada, but I wouldn't watch it.
I've watched that internet clip of a guy being beheaded (by accident) and that ruined an entire day for me.
Theena - I don't think it helped his day much either!
Electra - I've got no reason to think it really would be aired, just a hypothetical question.
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