People often say to me that I am lucky because I work for myself. I don't see it like that. Lucky yes, work for myself no.
The way I look at it is that I work for a Company of which I am also a major shareholder. I work for the shareholders of the company and I work for the Company's customers and I work for the Company's staff. In management jargon I could be said to work for my internal and my external customers.
In fact, I don't think there are any people who can truly say that they work for themselves.
Doctor, Academic, entrepreneur, salesperson or management consultant. Domestic engineer, photographer or student.
Who's your customer? Who's your boss?
18 years blogging
2 weeks ago
"It's a maze for the rats to try, a race for rats to die"
I think Placebo hit it right on the nail! Everyone works for something or someone. Unless you're a monk living in a cave and deep meditation or something like that.
You have a point, but I think I would really enjoy my job If I know that I'm doing it for myself and my family. That I'm the highest decision maker in the organisation. I call all the shots. And also it would give me a lot of freedom to make some bold moves, put my ideas in to practice without asking anybody else or waiting for the MD to make the decision.
Man, commenting it self has been pretty liberating!
Darwin - What's the song? I'll put the singles album in my car tonight, you've just reminded me what a great band they are.
Niroshan - Those are all the main reasons that I started my own thing all those years ago. Together with the thought that I would never know if I could have made it unless I tried.
hm.. two of my friends work in their family business... business which someday would be theirs...and they work their butt off... and though i assumed they can take time off when ever they want, not the case.... that was an eye opener... but someday, they would be the chief decision makers.....
One day, i would like to have my own business. Got ideas. still afraid to jump from a safe okay paid job.
It's from the "Black Market Music" album.
But aren't you a little old to listen to songs about teenage angst dearie?
anon - no, I just can't do it!
Hello hello..
Long time, man.
I started working a week back. My functions are yet undefined, but at the moment I am copywriting, internet marketing and managing the launch of a new web portal. Fun, eh?
Wanker of a boss...customer so to speak i guess is the world, climate, etc...cos I work for a non-profit...starting my own thing in mid 2007 and moving it to SL in mid 2008...can't wait!
Just selected Placebo on my ipod...excellent stuff..
n - so what do you actually do then?
fundraising for a non-profit...sigh
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